
Clients and Services

Reganosa essentially conducts activities regulated by the Spanish gas system under the third party access regime. In its performance, it continuously analyses market circumstances in order to develop services that support the growing logistics needs that the natural gas market requires. We also collaborate with both companies and institutions by providing our know-how and experience.

To manage the full gas cycle: application for access capacity, procurement, scheduling and nominations, measurements, distributions and balances, and with the aim of having a fluid communication tool in real time between the different subjects of the gas system, the Technical System Manager (GTS) has made the SL-ATR (Logistics System of Third Party Access to the Network) information system available to users as set out in paragraph 1 of Detailed Protocol PD-04: Communication mechanisms


  • Ship unloading

    Access is granted to LNG tankers to the facilities of the Mugardos terminal to unload LNG which is delivered at a temperature of -160 ºC. Maximum unloading capability is 12,000 m3/h.

  • Ship loading

    We provide access to our Mugardos facilities in order to transfer LNG aboard the LNG vessels. This service has been available since 2010; up to mid 2015 more than 52 loading operations have been conducted.

  • Gassing up and cool down

    These services grant access to the terminal in order to replace tank atmosphere with gas (gassing-up) and their gradual cooling down until it reaches final operation temperature (cool down). Currently, we have the greatest experience in conducting these activities as far as the Spanish gas system is concerned.

  • LNG storage

    The services we provide include the right to use the necessary operative storage, under the terms and conditions laid down in the norms and regulations for accessing the facilities.

  • Regasification

    It allows the use of the necessary facilities for conducting the regasification process whereby the stored liquefied natural gas is transformed into a gaseous fuel by increasing its temperature through a physical procedure. To this end sea water vaporizers are used.

  • Truck loading

    LNG is also transported in tankers. Our terminal provides a truck loading service to cater to companies and factories in the northwest of the peninsula, as well as to domestic consumers in areas with little access to gas through satellite plants connected to local distribution networks. Reganosa consolidated itself in 2014 as the European leader in truck loadings with a total of 9,700 operations conducted.

  • Laboratory analysis

    Our laboratory services include the analysis of natural gas and LNG composition as well as technical advice to both the users of our facilities and external entities. Our equipment is perfectly calibrated and verified.

  • O&M, training and consultancy

    We provide complementary services in training, transmission network simulations, technical advisory services, consultancy, and services in the areas of design, construction, commissioning, exploitation, operation and maintenance of LNG terminals and transport facilities.