
Zeppelin Project

Zeppelin Project Reganosa will test new green hydrogen (H2) production and storage technologies in Spain. Together with the Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Matemática de Galicia (CITMAga) and within a consortium of large companies in the sector, the Galician energy multinational…

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Energy efficiency and digitalisation

Energy efficiency and digitalisation We offer advanced energy efficiency and energy system planning and management services through our own digital solutions. Our technology, developed with a solid and innovative physical-mathematical base, optimises the planning, operation and consumption of any energy or…

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Consultancy and integrated infrastructure management

Consultancy and integrated infrastructure management We offer our clients our knowledge and provide services for energy infrastructures at an international level. Since the incorporation of Reganosa Servicios in 2015, the company has provided services in projects in more than 25 countries….

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